Toilet Services Colorado Spirngs, CO —
24/7 Drain Cleaning Services

We use the toilet several times a day, but it is often neglected until it starts leaking or clogging. Like other important appliances in your home, your toilet will need repairs over the years. It also needs to be replaced after years of use.

Clogged toilets are one of the biggest plumbing problems in residential and commercial establishments. Not only does this create an embarrassing mess, but it can also be difficult to unclog, especially if you don’t have a plunger lying around. A clogged toilet can have many causes, but if you notice it’s happening too often, it’s a sign something is wrong.

How do you know when it’s time to call a plumber to fix your current toilet or install a new one?

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Signs You Need Toilet Repair

You probably know that chronic constipation is a sure sign that you need to call us for a professional toilet repair and installation. This is just one of the problems owners face. Here are some of the other warning signs that it’s time to call a plumber to check your Colorado home toilet:

  • After flushing, the floor around the toilet is wet
  • The water level in the tank or basin is too low or too high
  • You will notice a hissing sound after flushing
  • It takes more than one flush to empty the bowl
  • The flap gets stuck, causing the toilet to run non-stop
  • Refilling your toilet takes too long
  • Flushing appears sluggish or sluggish
  • The flush handle is loose or disconnected
  • The toilet wobbles or wobbles

Bottom line, you shouldn’t have to think twice about your toilet. It should work as expected every time you use it. If not, it’s time to give WireNut a call. Whether you live in Colorado or a nearby city, we’ll come over and fix it.

Professional Toilet Repair Services

WireNut is your source for toilet repairs in Colorado Springs and beyond. We have qualified plumbers on our team who can fix broken toilet components, fix leaks and any other issue you may have. Count on us for:

Toilet Leak Repair

A leak in the toilet can be caused by a crack in the china bowl, a bad water pipe or gasket, or a worn wax ring. These leaks are unsanitary and can damage your bathroom tile and subfloor. Fortunately, our plumbers can quickly troubleshoot and repair these leaks. In many cases, we can fix the problem the same day you call us.

Running Toilet Repair

A leaking toilet is a real inconvenience. Worse, it can waste over a gallon of water per hour. After just a few weeks, your water bill can skyrocket. This is why it is so important to fix this problem as soon as you notice the problem.

We can replace your flush valves, flap valves or overflow pipes. Just call or make an appointment online.

Clogged Toilet Repair

If your toilet is clogged and you can’t clear it with a little scuba diving, don’t pour chemicals down your drain or try other home remedies. It could make things worse! Let’s help instead. We find the cause of your constipation and eliminate it quickly. If we find that your main or other pipes are clogged, we can help you too.

What Causes a Clogged Toilet?

Old Flow Model Toilets

If you’re still using an older, low-flow model, no wonder it keeps clogging. Older toilet designs have low flush pressure, which prevents them from pushing waste to the siphon and drain. These toilets were manufactured in the mid 1990’s and are prone to clogging.

The best thing you can do in this situation is to replace your old toilet model with a new one. But if replacement isn’t currently possible, you can limit the toilet paper and materials you typically throw away to avoid a clogged toilet in Colorado Springs, CO.

Flushed Down Non-Flushable Items

Toilets are designed to only flush two things: human waste and toilet paper. Aside from those two, there’s a big no-no, even hygiene products or “flushable” wipes – anything outside of the above two things will result in the toilet clogging in the first place. Colorado Springs, CO

This problem is common in many homes where things like cotton swabs and swabs are flushed down the toilet. You can use a plunger to remove some things that can’t be flushed down the toilet and that you think are the cause of your clogged toilet.

Clogged Toilet Trap

Just like a kitchen sink, a toilet also has a siphon. The toilet siphon works like a literal siphon, preventing objects that could block the sewage from flowing down the sewer lines. But instead of being P-shaped, a siphon is S-shaped, and you’ll find it right between the bowl and the drain line.

To fix a clogged siphon, you can use a plunger to squeeze out the dirt and force it through the pipes.

If this method doesn’t work, you can use a snake or a drill.

Blocked Toilet Vent

Did you know that your toilet has a vent? A toilet vent serves as an entry point for cool ambient air to enter the plumbing system and increase flush pressure. This vent exits your home through the roof and is vital to your entire plumbing system.

If something is blocking your toilet’s vent, your toilet’s flushing capacity will weaken due to the loss of pressure. This issue can also spread to other issues such as gurgling noises and slow draining down every drain in your home, just to name a few.

Clogged Sewer Line

There are clogs that you can easily clear yourself, but there are also some that require the expertise of a professional plumber. Those clogs left your plumbing fixture but got stuck in your home’s main sewer line. Clogged sewer lines can have a huge impact on your drainage, affecting your plumbing system’s ability to remove waste from your home.

In this scenario, you have no choice but to contact a local plumbing company as it is too difficult to solve independently.

Got a clogged toilet in Colorado Springs, CO? We unlock it for you! Contact us today to get your toilet working again!